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Vegan picks- Berlin

Writer: Vegan Pop Up Café Vegan Pop Up Café

Updated: Jan 30, 2019

I just came back from a short trip to Berlin, and I must say - Berlin blew me away!

It was my first time there, so i didnt really have any expectations (which is always a good thing I guess) but everyone I know who has been there all say the same; Berlin is great! So i needed to go and check it out for my self.

I had only 4 days, so I needed to be active and efficient to cover all the stuff I wanted to do. Firstly, I had no idea where to stay. I knew I wanted to use Airbnb to ensure I would have a genuine home experience, but where should I stay??? Berlin is HUGE!

So I put in the dates in on Airbnb and pretty much picked the first apartment that came up. And the location was nothing less then perfect (I discovered that later)! Hah? Who knew?

So Kreuzberg it was. A "hippies and artists meet immigrants and hipsters" kind of area.

Its near the kanal and river with lots and lots of cool bars, restaurants, clubs and so many funky ûber-hip places I lost count... (where "normal" people like me felt utterly dull and grey. But what the heck - just be your self and who cares anyway, right?)

So my favorite places to visit (eat, drink, hang out, chill, did i say eat?) will all be from this particular area. I simply didnt have time to explore any other area!

Before I start I have to mention that a great way to explore the city is by renting a bike. You find them anywhere on the street, and then I mean every where! They had dusins of different companies to choose from, so at first It was a bit confusing, but my host recommended one company, so I used that one. Its called Mobike, and their bikes are orange. Its a brilliant and super easy concept and service. And so cheap!

How to do it:

1. Download the app - Mobike

2. Put in your cc details

3. Open the app, search for nearest available bike

4. Scann the QR code on the bike (the scanner is inside the app)

5. Off you go!

The price was only 70c per 20min. and for 7e you could bike unlimited for 30days.

Such a great deal. If you tag a pic on Insta, you get love in return @mobikeal

Super nice and easy bike to ride with 3 gears. Loved it!


So lets start! This is where I had pretty much all my meals during my 4 days in Berlin, and I wouldnt change a thing if I had to choose it all again.

Places to eat! Oh dear, there was so many places and so little time..

Wildeküche, Spreewaldpl. 5, 10999 Berlin

Love - Light - Food

As the spiritual - health freak - soul that I am, this was like coming home.

The space was open and spacious and they had a big outdoor seating area with both a deck and sandy sitting area. And the best of all, on the roof top they offered Kundalini Yoga. My go-to yoga, which I also happen to be a teacher of my self. So speaking about going home.

Sat nam!

Their menu is vegetarian and vegan, and they only use local and seasonal veggies (I think they grow lots themselves too) and its completely without refined sugar! Halleluja! So no coke or Nestle products here - THANK YOU!

This is what I had the pleasure of enjoying:

Fresh artichoke with a lemon dipping sauce, and then an Italian inspired burger. Its was so filling, I couldnt finish.. but my friend could, so its all good. I dont do food waste!

Kuddel Muddel, Scharnweberstraße 46, 10247, Berlin Friedrichshain

100% plant based cafe - kitchen - bar

Organic and local products, wholewheat and no sugar as far as it makes sense.

I was lucky enough to discover this little gem on a vegan food tour i joined over the weekend. Its run by some (great looking I must say) Italian guys, and their food was excellent. I actually never went inside this place, as we were seated outside so I couldnt tell the size of this place. But does it matter? Nope.

Any way, looking at the menu Id say this place is best for breakfast and lunch.

We tried 3 different dishes, and my favorite by far was the sandwich with vegan blue cheese. Jupp, vegan blue cheese! Its actually possible, and do you know what? It tasts 10 times better then dairy blue cheese! I also had a Camenbert sandwich and an omelet.

Check it out:

Syrian specialities for all occasions - beautiful, colorful and super tasty!

I was introduced to this great little eatery on the food tour as well, and this definitely is a "feel good place". Its run by a Syrian refugee, and knowing that we are helping his family to rebuild their lives by eating here, is such a bonus.

We had several dishes and they were all equally tasty. Would recommend this place if you feel like giving your tastebuds "the real Middel Eastern deal". And if you feel like brushing up on your Arabic, you can with the help from this great little sign outside the door. Loved it!

This is what we had the pleasure of indulging in:

Restaurant Bastard, Reichenberger str. 122, Kreuzberg

Probably one of the most popular breakfast places in Berlin, with a waiting list to get in at 10.30am - I rest my case. The place was pretty minimalistic and didnt have much decor, and the walls were covered with old wooden doors. It looked super cool, and it didnt really need more decor if you ask me, so there you go. And the food? Let me tell you... I was just in Melbourne (the vegan foodie heaven on the Southern hemisphere) and ate in lots of great breakfast places. I loved them all, for the record. But, it was just something about this "Bastard breakfast" that really hit home with me. It was a combination of things I think - firstly it was very healthy and colorful and the different flavors and textures was very well balanced, crisp, sweet, then it came with 3 different types of sliced bread. And that was what made this dish so complete. The bread was just SO good ( I get water in my mouth just by thinking of it) So for being a non vegan place and serve this vegan breakfast is pretty awesome if you ask me. (the chef must be a vegan in disguise!)

This is the dish I enjoyed to the full!

THE best vegan breakfast I have had so far!

Arabica Coffee, Reichenberger Strasse 36, 10999 Berlin

This is a "designer coffee bar"! Arabica is worldwide coffee bar chain, and this is their flagship location for all of Europe. And thats it easy to tell.

The space - oh the space! It was the first thing I noticed when walking by. Its so spacious, open and bright, and if you have an eye for design and detail, this is the place for you.

150m² open space, and we showed our respect to a great German design by creating a shop interior following the iconic Braun designer, Dieter Rams. Our seating area, bean cellar, shop counter, etc are all homage to his amazing product design.

Of course the coffee was perfect too. You cant have a place like this and not be coffee experts!

But my admiration for this place didnt stop in the dining area. It continued in to the ladies room. Jupp, even the visit to the toilet was a some-what exceptional experience. The room it self was just as perfect interior wise as the rest of the place, but the toilet - OMG - I dont know how much details I can share here, but lets say my hands were just as clean as my lower region walking out from there (haha.. im sorry, but I just couldnt leave out the toilet. I enjoyed it so much!)

Balaram Icecream, Gabriel-Max-Straße 17, 10245 Berlin

So, ice cream it is!! All of it - plant based! Oh dear... the choices!

Great little ice cream place with new flavors every week! Any one - franchise store in Norway, please!!

One scoop is always enough for me, so one scoop it was! I went with a flavor I have never tried before: Mango - Carrot - a great combo I must say!

Brammibals Donuts, Maybachufer 8, 12047, Berlin; Danziger Straße 65, 10435, Berlin

Fresh handmade donuts and speciality coffee.

Oh my God, the choice-struggle is REAL! Check it out! I never normally eat donuts so I had no idea which one to pick. I dont have sweet tooth (thank God, less temptations), so I asked for one that wasnt too sweet and completely covered in frosting. I ended up with a chocolate donut with tahini frosting. I had never heard of this combo before, so I had to give it a try. It was definitely not as sweet as some of the ones I have tried before, so I quite liked it. If donuts are your thing, make sure you visit one (or both) of these places.

Pop Kultur, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 41, 10999 Berlin

Your Brazilian "hole in the wall" healthy café!

This little place offered lots of healthy drinks and foods in addition to coffee, as always.

Their menu (except the cheeseballs) is definitely up the same alley as the food I offer from my little truck, so I could have dived into every drink and vegan alternative they had. Unfortunately I discovered this little gem on my way to the airport so I didnt have time to try anything out, but I just know - I would have loved it ALL!

LPG BioMarkt and café, Bouchéstraße 12, 12435 Berlin

Organic grocery store (supermarket chain) with shops all over Berlin, with the biggest selection of organic vegan "meats and cheeses" I have ever seen! Organic AND vegan??

I would be their regular customer!

So here it is folks!! My personal selection for you - which I hope will inspire you to try at least one of them, regardless if you are vegan or not. Vegan food is for everyone!

If you do try, please tell me what you thought!


All the best,


Holistic Health Coach, Vegan Food trucker, Animal lover, Travel enthusiast


© 2017 Vegan Pop Up Café by Benedikte Koldingsnes

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